We are launching a new fundraising campaign to pay for driving lessons for any of our refugee friends who have passed their theory test. We aim to buy a block of lessons from a Cambridge driving school, and will use these to give short courses to several different learners. Many of them are experienced drivers and will hopefully only need a little help with British practice to pass the practical test.
We would like to hear from anyone prepared our learners out on practice drives - you’ll need a full UK driver’s licence in addition to our usual other requirements.
Update 19th November
The first of our refugee friends has passed her driving theory test! Congratulations to her on this, and our best wishes as she works on the practical.
If you can help financially, please donate through our usual route to support all our work, including this campaign.
The ability to drive is very useful in a refugee’s search for long-term employment and we hope that, through this campaign, we’ll be able to make a real difference to our friends.